- 56th Oct 12
Resident Evil 6 Human Butcher Shop (惡靈古堡6人肉專賣店)
To promote the release of Resident Evil 6, Capcom sponsored Wesker & Son Resident...
- 16th Aug 12
3D Printed Prosthetic Beak (3D印刷假鳥嘴)
A bald eagle, named Beauty, was found with the top half...
- 31st Jul 12
3D Printed Fetus (3D印刷胎兒)
Recognizing the desire of expecting parents to commemorate the visualization of their newborn, Fasotec,...
- 8th Apr 12
Jordan Eagles’ Works of Blood
New York City artist, Jordan Eagles, sometimes referred to as the “blood artist” has...
- 8th Apr 12
Embodiment: A Luminous Glass Skeleton by Eric Franklin
Portland-based sculptor, Eric Franklin constructs an anatomical study of the human body considering the...
- 8th Dec 11
Rapid Prototyped Auricular Mold (快速原型模型)
Heavily inspired by the iRSM Digital Design in Facial Prosthetics workshop in Edmonton, Canada...
- 24th Nov 11
Sophie Kahn (梁劉柔芬·卡恩)
Born in London and grew up in Melbourne, Australia, Sophie Kahn trained as a...
- 20th Sep 11
新世界『透明標本』Iori Tomita’s New World Transparent Specimens
新世界「透明標本」 – New World Transparent Specimens is an exhibition composed of specimens created using...